суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

beef jerky nutrition

Yay, yay, the week is almost over.

Tomorrow night will be fun- I dragooned my brother into coming out to my place and going to a comedy show at a bar nearby- it should be quite fun, and a nice change of pace.�

My vacation canapos;t come soon enough.� Iapos;m so tired of work, even on good days.�

We got in half our christmas shipment.� I very wisely shoved everything into a dark corner, because we still have two holidays to get through before I want to inflict christmas on people...� That, and all the stuff screams of Lindaapos;s tastes.� Our christmas will be bronze and chocolate brown, and absolutely everything seems to have either sequins or crystals.�� Oh, yes, itapos;ll look stunning, different, tasteful and interesting, idea provoking and classy, but I donapos;t want to have anything to do with it.� Probably in part because this week Lindaapos;s delivered everything with a tone of "MINE�MINE�MINE�MINE�MINE."� I�keep (deliberately)�forgetting that sheapos;s a control freak.�

I�got delicious panera bread yesterday.� Zak tried to steal it from me.� Apparently he likes sourdough bread in addition to potatoe chips and parmasan cheese.� Why couldapos;t he like catnip or something?

Oh, and I learned today that the barbie doll chick who lives in my building is, lo and behold, a wedding coordinator at some downtown hotel.� Guess I�have to put more effort into that making friends thing...

I am so looking forward to sunday, when Iapos;ll wake up, look around, and crawl back into bed for several more hours, curled up in a foetal position under deliciously warm blankets and blissfully divorced from all things resembling obligations.

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